MLMediaLibrary URL for Live Photos macOS 10.13


I'm using MLMediaLibrary on macOS 10.13 to access the media from the Apple Photos app(local photos library). I can get all necessary file URLs (edited, original,thumbnail image) from the NLMediaObject. I can even get the video URL for unedited 'Live Photos' by accessing the attributes property of MLMediaObject:

[myMediaObject.attributes valueForKey:@"videoComplURL"];

The only issue I have is, if the 'Live Photo' was edited in Photos app, the videoComplURL key is not there anymore in the attributes of the MLMediaObject. If it's unedited I can get the videoComplURL. When I revert back to original from an edited 'Live Photo' in Photos app I see the videoComplURL again. My question is now : How can I get the video URL for an edited 'Live Photo' on macOS 10.13 by using MLMediaLibrary? Is there any other library I can use to get the Albums and Collections from Apples Photo app with the media content?




I can also see that videoURL is not provided for HDR Live Photos on Mac OS 10.12.