Push Tags to origin in Xcode 9?

From within Xcode 9, I can create tags against commits but there doesn't seem to be a way to push these tags to origin on Github. From the Source Control navigator I can right click on a tag and 'View in Github' but it just takes me to a 404-page - the URL looks correct but because there are no tags then clearly it errors.

Am I missing something? Surely I don't need to do this from the command line.


I have the exact same issue. A tag which can't be pushed to the remote origin doesn't really make much sense. Since this is essential I'm sure it'll get fixed in an update.

I Filed a bug report.

Thanks for confirming. It seems a little strange - I guess they had to 'call it a day' for the release at some point!

Surely I don't need to do this from the command line.

Sadly, as of right now you do. I haven't gotten around to writing a bug report about this but I should!