Auto layout / constraints

Hello guys! i'm a new developer and i have a problem with my constraints i'm trying to make a tic tac toe game and i have had all my constraints. everything looks good when i'm watching the preview with the views from different devices screen but when build and run my program everything looks off and not great. can you help me out with this please? thank you in advance. here are some screenshot.


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You can make a test to see if your constraints are correctly defined.

First, save a copy of your project and work on this copy, because it can make modifications that cannot be undoed.

In the copy of the project, open the storyboard in IB.

Select the view which has problems

In the Editor menu, if the option Resolve AutoLayout -> All Views -> Update frames is active, select it.

See if some items move. If so, you are missing some constraints or some constraints are wrong.