Xcode 9 storyboard .. painfully slow

Anyone experiencing very slow performance on updating storyboard in Xcode 9? I tested even in brand new project, opening an empty storyboard takes time. Dragging a new UIView or UIButton to existing view in storyboard is so painfully slow. This is on Xcode 9 App Store release, haven't tried on Xcode 9.1 Beta.

Apple .. please fix this, this is so time consuming. If I don't have to support iPhone X, I would have gone back to Xcode 8.



Right after I post this .. what a discovery for me. If I set my device in storyboard to iPhone X, everything is snappy. Opening a storyboard is immediate and adding UI component is fast as well. Sounds like Apple really wants us to build for iPhone X.

I have same problem

xcode 9 storyboard load very very very slow

It's let me crazing

apple fix it as soom as possible.

Mee too from about one month. Xcode 9 don't let me work. unusable.

Yup. This worked for me too ( using iPhone x in storyboard ) nevertheless, Apple should fix it or I have to go back to build everything by code :/

I am having the same issue!


The same problem... I'm nearly crazy!!

Yep painful. Will not use storyboards again and the iPhone X trick didn't work for me, still running very very slow

Yep, same here. Takes minutes for any update to perform on a macbook pro with 16 gb ...

Same storyboard performance issues here. Setting the storyboard device to iPhone X did not work for me.

In one of my projects i have a couple of ViewControllers with a lot of UITextfields inside of them (Its a board game).
This makes the matter even worse and its pretty much impossible to work on this project rigth now. (Installing 8.3.3 at this very moment)
XCode pretty much stops responding when i open the storyboard in this project.

On my other commercial project (Way bigger in size), in which we only use xibs instead of storyboards, the general XCode 9 performance, however, is fantastic.

It is destroying work in storyboard. It is that slow.

For example whenever I change a constraint constant rainbow wheel appears. Very slow with storyboards. Please Apple change something.

View as iPhoneX does not help.

After the update it is impossible to work with the storyboard 😟

I'm sending crash reports almost 20x per day, it is impossible to be productivy with this version.
I really don't know how to do, I tried to change to Iphone X view but continues with the same poor performance.

Update please

View as: iPhone 8 plus is very slow. If I choose iPhone X or iPhone 8 it is a lot faster

Same issues here.

After so many years, the quality of XCode is still a disgrace!

Take a couple of millions and hire some decent engineers!!!

Hi can u say how to set my device in storyboard to iPhone X