In app purchase “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” error

I know that it usually takes 24-36 hours before an in app purchase becomes available for a new app. But I have a problem where an approved IAP is unavailable even after a week.

I've used the same code in other projects, so I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my code.

I know I can get the product correctly since I display the price in local currency. But when I begin the purchase I get the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" error.

Does anyone else have problems with this recently?

It seems to be a lot of strange errors in iTunes Connect, Xcode and AppStore since the release of iOS 11.


I have a question, what type of product is your IAP item, Consumable, Non-Consumable ... etc? We may be experiencing something similar.

I'm having the same error. The System Status for iTunes Sandbox is showing Green (good) right now, but it still doesn't work for me:

iTunes Sandbox - Resolved Issue

Yesterday, 10:52 AM - 1:32 PM

Some users were affected

Affected Services: In-App Purchases, iTunes Sandbox

Users experienced a problem with this service.

We are also still experiencing the issue as well.

Still only iOS 11+

We are getting a lot of iTunes Store errors since iOS 11.0 release and it's costing us a lot of money. The whole system behaves very oddly, I will get back "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" when user changes auto-renewable subsbcription even in production and even if the purchase was successful. This is really odd.

Have you solved this problem? We receive complaints from users. Based on the logs - they have the error "SKErrorUnknown", while withdrawing money.