xcode 9 how to disable auto build while coding

Hi Team,

I have just downloaded xCode 9 and started coding for my project. Unfortunately it keeps saving file and not allowing to work. I have gone through all options but unfortunately not able to find any option to disable it.

kindly advice how to turn off , its uses so much memory of my system.

Many Thanks,


Preferences -> General and uncheck the Show live issues . It disables the auto build.

Open Storyboard -> Editor -> uncheck "Automatically Refresh Views" 🙂


I've also had this issue. Unselecting "Show live issues" only stops real-time error reporting and not the building and indexing that consumes my CPU. Is there a way to stop Xcode from building every time I do something? Is there a setting like the one in the Playground that lets you control how often it "runs" the code (ie. run every 10 sec)?

What's this about? Is it possible to cause any other issues on working with a storyboard?

It is harmless. It merely stops continuous storyboard compilation. I generally only need it when I'm developing @IBDesignable views and want to get live previews in the storyboard.