Drop down select not working cordova ios 11

It was working fine using xcode 8 and ios 10 etc

The select drop down has a weird behavior when using xcode 9 and ios 11. An empty list appear and disapear.

And also when clicking multple times on the drop down the application will crash wigth this error :

[Warning] Application tried to represent an active popover presentation: <UIPopoverPresentationController: 0x7fc187b46510>

*** Assertion failure in -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:willDisplay:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-3694.4.18/UITableView.m:13285

[FATAL] [WORKLIGHT] Uncaught Exception: UITableView dataSource is not set

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'UITableView dataSource is not set'

We are inside an ionic 1 application.



Xcode 8 build on ios 11 is solving the issue. But it is not consistent solution.

Anybody knows if this issue will be fix in future versions of Xcode ? Or any other work around for xcode 9 compatibility.


I'm also stuck in this issue from last 3 days in Cordova/Ionic 1 app. All the dropdowns are behaving weirdly. Can you please share an alternate solution?

I have the same issue when building my app with Xcode 9. Tapping the select drop down displays the list, then disappears and redisplays with a blank list.

The following message is displayed in Xcode 9 console:

2017-10-06 15:14:20.209882-0600 PK 2.3.0[529:87599] [Warning] Application tried to represent an active popover presentation: <UIPopoverPresentationController: 0x10095a850>

If I build my app in Xcode 8 the problem is resolved. However, not using Xcode 9 is not a long term solution and Apple should address this.


Above same issue happend to me after updated with version 11, past 5 days we stuck in this, can you have any alternative solutions.


I am also facing this issue. Though using Xcode8 solved this problem but its not a long term solution. Any solution?

I am also facing this issue. Any progress?

Same here, please solve this issue!

Any progress in here? iOS 11.1 still has the same problem.

Tested combos bug today using UIWebView.

the issue seems to be fixed on iOS 11.2 Beta 2!

Same issue here IOS 11.1

Does the issue still exist for the cordova or it has been fixed?

Seems fixed since 11.2. I just tested it in 12.0 developer beta 3 and it is still fixed.