These in-app purchases can’t be promoted on the App Store because your latest app binary doesn’t include the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method.

Hi! I implement SKPaymentTransactionObserver method

Like this:

public func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment, for: SKProduct) -> Bool {

return true


This is all code

I see message in itunes connect -> App -> Features -> App Store Promotions

"These in-app purchases can’t be promoted on the App Store because your latest app binary doesn’t include the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method."

How I can check that I implement this method?





We are getting the exact same message.

We managed to test the method in development with a link apple provide during WWDC. We tested it and everything is working for our app.

How to test:

Link: itms-services://?action=purchaseIntent&bundleId=[add your bundleID]&productIdentifier=[Add your productID]

Send the link as an email or iMessage text. Press the link, you should be redirected to your app with payment processing.

The issue we are facing is that iTunes connect doesn't seem to know or make the link with the metadata. Do we need to add something else to the app? Or do something in iTunes connect?

Thanks for any help you can provide us! 🙂


I have the same problem. I have implemented the method and test is working fine. Why that message??

Having the same question.

I've now submitted the App.

I submitted my app too, Arny. I hope Apple will test my code and promote my in app purchase!

Hi guys,

I have the same problem as you, and I also had implemented SKPaymentTransactionObserver.

I can select my IAP on itunes connect, but I can't see them on the Apple Store...

Can Apple help us ?


Hey Sarah,

do you managed to show up the In-App purchase promotion in the AppStore ?
