Setting Minimum OS X Compatibility iTunes

I have built an application for a newer version of OS X than what is on the App Store. The minimum version on the store is 10.6. The new version is build for 10.10. I can't see how I would update this on iTunes. The build settings and the Info.plist are set for 10.10. Will selling this automatically update the listing on iTunes?

Accepted Reply

>Will selling this automatically update the listing on iTunes?

That's how it's supposed to work, yes - the backend will digest your build, and update the support that is displayed in the store, which is otherwise not under the dev's direct control.


>Will selling this automatically update the listing on iTunes?

That's how it's supposed to work, yes - the backend will digest your build, and update the support that is displayed in the store, which is otherwise not under the dev's direct control.