Code folding doesn't work and new line tabbing inserts too much

I was happily using Xcode 8.3.x before being upgraded to 9 automatically today. Now I am not happy.

I rely on Xcode as my principal editor for Swift, javascript, and python.

Now code folding isn't working anywhere, at all. Its not perfect for javascript files, but it works fine with ES6 classes.

More importantly, previously when I would tab on a new line, the new indentation would be placed under the most-left character from the previous line. Now the indentation behaves as if syntax-aware indenting is enabled, which its not.

I've completely reset the Xcode settings via the following and have the same issues.

defaults delete 
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode 
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/ 
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Preferences/*

Currently downloading 8.3 again. Hopefully I won't get upgraded again.


Expreiencing the same problem as you.