Developing for the new TruDepth Camera, what is needed?


I was super excited to watch the keynote and learn about the TrueDepth camera.

I was wondering how someone goes about developing for it?

I have a few specific questions (numbered for convenience)

- does one have to purchase the iPhone X to develope for it?
- is there a desk-side version of the sensor in some enclosure that
one can use for development purposes?
- I am a faculty member at a university, the price of the iPhone X
is a little steep for research purposes. Is there any type of
development kit that has a sensor that one can plug into
their Mac (say via USB) that one can use to develope and
test without needing an iPhone X
- Will the SDK for using the TrueDepth camera work with
other such sensors such as Intel's RealSense? Or
a PrimeSense Carmine RGB-D camera?

It is not easy for university research to acquire an iPhone X and I was

wondering if researchers/developers/etc. can purchase a cheaper
desk-side version of the sensor for use with the ARKit rather than
purchasing an iPhone X.

What is the envisioned development process Apple imagines
for those who intend to develope applications that use
the TrueDepth camera?


Contact Occipital. Their Structure sensor is a dirivitive of the PrimeSense Carmine before PrimeSense was purchased by Apple. Occipital has been working with Stucture sensor on iOS for about four years now and many of the TrueDepth functions are built into their SDK for scanning, computer vision and mixed reality. They are also working on a stand alone version called the CORE that can work with a number of platforms.

I have been working with them as a consultant and created products for the sensor along with cases, including my own Mixed Reality mobile headset for the iPhone 7/8 Plus and their sensor for a unbounded and bounded tracking system using ther SDK. I am working a on an iPhone X version now.