Xcode for iOS 11?


I'm relatively new to programming, just finished some basic courses and I just started iOS developer course.

I have one small problem - I did not manage to save enough money to buy a macbook yet. (I'm currently using my girlfriends old macbook air, but it's slow as **** plus she needs to use it, sometimes - obviously)

But I have an iPad, and since the iOS 11 is coming and it's promising more "laptop-like" environment, I was just wondering - wouldn't it be awesome if Apple made an iPad version of xCode?

I am perfectly aware that there are many obstacles with that, but hey - isn't overcoming obstacles kinda the spirit of Apple?

If I understood the forums welcome page right, there are apple employees on the forums, right? So if there is any chance to get Apple iOS engineers to at least think about it, that'd be awesome!!!

If any of you know the reasons why Apple can't make xCode for iPad, please comment! (I don't mean the obvious ones like "it wouldn't make sense because of iOS' user interface" etc.)


This has been discussed several times in the forums.

Search Content for iPad, and you'll get a lot of information about it.

For instance :

h ttps://forums.developer.apple.com/message/142535#142535

Playgrounds for iPad includes a Swift compiler that lets you get started coding today. See https://developer.apple.com/swift/playgrounds/

Oh! I did a quick search but did not found this forum, thanks a lot! :-)

Even the latest iPads would be way too wimpy in terms of memory and processor speed to run Xcode.

yeah, I really didn't think about RAM... Good point.

Unless you could unload some of processing onto a backend server 😉

But then you're not really running on an iPad.

That's not true, my mac with 4 gb of ram and 128gb harddrive easily runs xCode

Your Mac has an x86 processor which is far more capable than the ARM chip in an iPad.

Xcode for iOS 11?