UISplitViewController and iPhone X in landscape

I've created an app with standart template Master-Detail in Xcode 9. I can't understand why there is only master controller in iPhone X simulator? iPhone 6,7,8 Plus have both master and detail. I alse tride to make all visible

[splitViewController setPreferredDisplayMode: UISplitViewControllerDisplayModeAllVisible];

but it does not work. I did not find and and info in Fall 2017 - Session 801 vide and in updated HIG for iPhone X.

Could you explain is it a new pattern or a just a bug in simulator?

Accepted Reply

Designing for Phone X Fall 2017 - Session 801 - iOS videostates (at 5:45 in the video) that iphone 6, 7, 8, X all belong with the Compact Width class, so this is the way it should behave (unfortunately 😟 )


Awhile back I found some bugs in Apple's splitviewcontroller when used on an iPhone Plus device. I posted the issue and was told by various developers that I shouldn't use it as it's not really made for all devices (except the iPad), so I'm reworking my apps and removing the splitviewcontroller.

Designing for Phone X Fall 2017 - Session 801 - iOS videostates (at 5:45 in the video) that iphone 6, 7, 8, X all belong with the Compact Width class, so this is the way it should behave (unfortunately 😟 )

I agree with you that it's strange instruction. Do not understand how I overlooked this moment in the video.