how to disable the sharing option in apple passes ?

Hello ,

Is there a way to diasable/remove the sharing option found at the back view of an apple digital pass ? if not what actions can be done to prevent adding the same passon another device?

also if the pass was shered and downloaded on another device , what happens when the pass is updated ? does it update on both devices ?


Please search the forum for the answers already given to this question.

In short:

- You CANNOT actually prevent pass sharing (one can always do a screenshot).

- For iOS 11 there IS as switch to hide the share button on the pass for convenience reasons – NOT to prevent the sharing itself.

- Passes use iCloud

Preventing the use of more than one instance of a pass, needs to be done by onelf; likely at the time of redemption or a second authentication factor a the time of verification.

Yes, you can add the sharingProhibited top-level key in your pass.json

     "sharingProhibited": true

It's odd -- it's not in the documentation ... but it is in the Revision History