Turn off search wrap?

Is there any way to turn off search wrap in Xcode 9? That is, when you do a find, and the current location is after the last occurrence of the search term, don't wrap around to the beginning of the file?


This has been asked before, and I believe the answer is that there's no way of turning this off. Submit a bug report if you want to request that functionality.

Note that the editor window displays a "wrap" icon over the middle of the editing pane when it starts over at the top, so that in most cases you know that it's wrapped around.

That doesn't solve the problem, but may mitigate it.

We used to be able to do this.

Xcode 9 changed the interface for Find/Replace in single source files.

While overall the change is an improvement (easier access to options such as 'case sensitive' and hits must 'contain/match/start/end' the search string), there was also a 'Wrap' checkbox to turn that option on/off.

Now the other find options each has its own control on the Find bar, but 'wrap' is gone.

I very much hope they bring it back.

I second that !

It is very frustrating Apple took out the option to turn search wrap off.

Much faster to search down from a certain point to end of file and have the "ding" feedback tell you that you worked the whole file than having the search wrap and you have to figure out if the line you are looking at has already been processed or not. The indicator that it just wrapped is NOT very helpful to avoid mistakes. I always relied heavily on the hard stops at start of file and end of file.