Xcode 9 GM - Bot integration submission times out?

Using Xcode 9 GM Server to build our product for iOS 11 compatible submission. Bot integration created .ipa and .xcarchives fine. All looks good.

In the integration details > Summary > Build Results > Archive there is a dropdown menu that allows us to Save, Show in Organizer, and Submit to App Store...

All options come back with a warning, "The request timed out."

From the server web view I can download the integration assets, which includes the .xcarchive. This .xcarchive can be manually added to the Organizer and Submit to App Store works. (with the warning iTMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon....", as discussed here)

When I select an archive dropdown menu option in the bot integration summary, I can't seem to find any console output to watch and understand why "the request timed out."

Just Xcode 9 GM growing pains? Or perhaps something is wrong with my server setup that is preventing the normal tools from working?


I have been fighting with the same problem myself. Such a bummer, given that the Xcode 8.x bots have been working well for me for a while. 😟

If you want to save a trip to Safari, you can choose Logs > Download Logs… to get the same build assets right from Xcode while viewing an integration. From there you can rename the ".xcarchive.zip" folder to have an ".xcarchive" extension and then open *that* in Xcode. Not great (because the downloads are *much* larger), but better than nothing…

For any Apple folks listening in, I filed rdar://34577663 to track this issue.

We've also found that Application Loader works perfectly well.

With XCode 9.0.1 I see the same thing still - workarounds work but the "submit" flow does not, timing out.

Yes, I just verified this as well. Still no dice.

I am also experiencing issues with this. I'm having to revert to manual builds as uploading the IPA through the Application Loader is also not working for me.