Can't make connections to IBOutlet collections with Xcode 9 but can with Xcode 8

There's a serious problem with XCode 9 where its not possible within a storyboard to make an addition to an IBOutlet collection.

In one of my projects I have declarations such as:

@IBOutlet var someCollection: [UITableViewCell]!

If I try and drag and drop a table view cell to add it to the collection then XCode 9 won't let me - it only displays the "Insert Outlet or Outlet connection" pop up, it simply refuses to display the "Connect Outlet Connection" pop up.

If I open the same project in XCode 8 there is no problem - it does display the "Connect Outlet Connection" pop up.

Anybody know of a workaround for this which doesn't involved having to revert to XCode 8?


Go the opposite way. Drag from the filled outlet circle next to the line number to the table view cell.

What happens if you try cmd/drag...?

I've never use OutletCollections, so I have some questions.

What are the various UITableViewCell ? Are they the prototypes of different tableViews ?