New Store Review process

We are having a discussion with our UI/UX team.

We want to present an ActionSheet with two options, to leave feedback in our own system or write a review.

This would be shown peridocally and based on user interaction.

If the "leave feedback" button is pressed, then the user is forwarded to a view where we ask the user to our custom feedback form.

If the "write a review" button is pressed, then the user is shown the App Store rating dialog.

We will invoke this using SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() to ask for a rating.

Is this acceptable behavior? Is this how it was intended to be used?

Accepted Reply

From the iOS Human Interface Guidelines (

> Don't use buttons or other controls to request feedback. Since the system limits how often rating prompts occur, attempting to request feedback in response to a control may result in no rating prompt being displayed.


From the iOS Human Interface Guidelines (

> Don't use buttons or other controls to request feedback. Since the system limits how often rating prompts occur, attempting to request feedback in response to a control may result in no rating prompt being displayed.

That only applies to "requesting a review" AFAIK - if you have a place in the app where the customer can tell the app they want to rate it, you can still have a button.

In our case, we use the standard store kit 'request review' method to (when appropriate) prompt customers for a review. There's also a help + support screen, where they can request support or leave a review. The review button doesn't request a review, but links to the review section of the app page on the app store.

I linked to the relevant section in the HIG since the OP specifically mentioned SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(). However, I think you are correct in that you are still allowed to provide a review button that goes to the app's review section on the store.