How to open Files app (iOS 11) programmatically?

I have a file in my Documents folder.

I've been setted UIFileSharingEnabled and LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace as discribed in for providing access to documents stored locally.

Now i want to provide for users ability to open "Files" app from my app. I want to open "Files" on my app folder programmatically . After that users there whey should share or move files to another app folders.


I'd love to do this as well- I can't seem to find any information on being able to do this.

We've been given:


(Objective-C) to open the Settings app, and I don't see anything similar for Files.

Dear Apple- can this be done?

I think you're supposed to open a file browser in your app with UIDocumentBrowserViewController or UIDocumentPickerViewController.

It appears you can do this by taking a file URL and changing the scheme to shareddocuments://.