SceneKit Scene Snapshot Bug?

Let me suppose that my scene has a size of 800 pts x 600 pts. With the following lines of code,

let snapImage = sceneView.snapshot() // accessing a subclass of SCNView with IBOutlet connection
if let imageData = NSBitmapImageRep(data: snapImage.tiffRepresentation!)?.representation(using: .PNG, properties: [:]) {


, I get an image size of 800 px x 600 px with a non-retina screen. The image resolutions are 72 dpi x 72 dpi. That sounds right. If I run the same code with a retina screen, I end up getting an image size 1,600 px x 1,200 px. That sounds right. But the image resolutions are not 144 dpi x 144 dpi but 72 dpi x 72 dpi! That does not sound right. Does anybody see that? Muchos thankos.