New Field in Banking Details

I noticed today there is a warning at banking details. It is saying that "Missing bank account holder type". I tried to edit my bank account details but after saving it is saying there is a USD currency problem. Is this same for you guys ?


Looks borked at the moment (no surprise), at least for me (I can't save any changes). I'll wait and try later, after they get the bugs out.

Update: Phone support took a look and helped with the process - waiting 24hrs to confirm no other issues, etc.

Followup: No change is done.


Appeared for me yesterday and I was able to update it just fine.

There are only two options "Individual" and "Corporation". What about LLC's and LP's? Corporation should be "Company" instead, unless this is for IRS purposes, in which case the selection is incomplete.

Corp in this example = LLC (a company recognized as a legal entity, enrolled as an organization, as opposed to sole proprietor/single person business, either of which requires you to join as an individual)

Don't worry about other terms, as you only need to choose either/or, as defined by Apple, for Apple's purpose(s), post-enrollment.

Confirmed - I spoke with DTS this morning and they said that if you are not an individual (in any sense of the word: LLP, LLC, Inc, Ltd etc), then you're a corporation for the purposes of this field.

Need some serious help here.. I've registered an an "Individual" with the intention of selling InApp purchases.. To register your bank details, does this need to be a personal account registered to your name? I'm just concerned that the bank asks questions why im receiving regular bank transfers from Apple in a person account.

I guess Company when the Bank Acclount is a company otherwise a individual.