TVOS/TVML : Menubar Template not working correctly

Hi, i found a weird bug in TVML programming guide.

When i copy paste all code you provided down there, i get the following :

- I start from a menubar.xml , that shows my template.xml for example on the first tab.

But when i switch to the 2nd tab for example template2.xml, the whole screen is showing for 0.5-1seconds, THEN it updates the screen, means it goes grey-screen and loading the updated menuitem.

You can see it clearer when i put a setTimeout here on the handleselectevent function :

if (selectedElement.tagName == "menuItem") {

setTimeout(function() { updateMenuItem(selectedElement, targetURL);}, 2000);


You can see, for 2 seconds now the template is normally like before showing THEN AFTER 2 seconds its updating the menuitem = going grey, and then having all your new input. But the problem is i can still see that its flashing. Like 0,5seconds normal view, then grey screen, then updating the template.

I tested it with this template calling from the menubar.xml, in this document there has to be an image, then you can see the flashing :




<img src="Path to your image!!" />


