A share extension that extracts path of images from Photos.app?

Since Apple has now not implemented a drag and drop function to get the path of images and videos from Photos.app (and has not implemented a "Reveal in Finder"), I have been considering writing a small app that simply enables you use the share function to get the path to images and videos inside of Photos.app. It seems that from what I'm seeing so far in the "App Extension Programming Guide" that this might not be a feature that Apple really facilitates through this functionality.

Any thoughts on whether or not this is possible?


Maybe possible, but a workaround for what you are asking:

in Safari, File->Open

In the left list there is favorites, icloud, devices, shared, and if you scroll down there will be a section headed "media" with Photos under it. Select photos there and you can browse the Photos.app library and when you open a photo there, the path to it is in the Safari location bar.

I'm referring to the system sharing function, not developing an extension for Safari though...