CoreML model compiler error Time Dist BI-RNN->FC


Using CoreML Xcode version5, iOS11 beta5. My model is a 3 layer FC followed by a bidirectional LSTM followed by another FC before going into a softmax. Model works in python and converts with CoreMLTools 0.5.1.

/coremlc: compiler error: Inner product layer: 'time_distributed_4' : Product of input blob dimensions C,H,W (1024,1,1) must be equal to the parameter 'inputChannels' (512)

/coremlc: compiler error: Inner product layer: 'time_distributed_4' : Product of input blob dimensions C,H,W (1024,1,1) must be equal to the parameter 'inputChannels' (512)

It appears to be the BI-RNN into FC that has the time distributed wrapper that has the problem. Any advice appreciated.



I actually get a similar error when trying to use any RNN (tried LSTM, GRU, SimpleRNN) with return_sequences=True

2017-08-25 16:31:02.748364+0100 kDS2iOS[14360:2844533] [coreml] Different batch numbers for input features.
2017-08-25 16:31:02.748595+0100 kDS2iOS[14360:2844533] [coreml] Failure in resetSizes.