CLLocationManager Start Continuous Location Updates from Application Handle SiriKit Intent Delegate with WhenInUse Authorization

Is it possible for CLLocationManager to start continuous location updates when handling a SiriKit intent if location authorization is WhenInUse? In my application:handleIntent:completionHandler: UIApplicationDelegate method I'm trying to handle an INStartWorkoutIntent. It seems reasonable to me to start continuous location updates when Siri requests my app start a workout. What I'm finding is that if location authorization is set to WhenInUse, continuous location updates are not started. If I change location authorization to Always, then my app does indeed receive continuous location updates. Is there some way to start continuous location updates when handling an intent if location authorization is WhenInUse? This seems problematic with the big push in iOS 11 to have apps using WhenInUse authorization.


hi, please help me. How I can to call appDelegat method (application:handleIntent:completionHandler:) in my app from Siri Extention. I can't call this method.