iOS 11 NSStringVariableWidthRuleType Key Values

Hi! I'm using

in new iOS 11 project and as per WWDC17 session 401, Localizing with Xcode 9, UIKit should pick up
numeric key values automatically. Which is does, but I can't find a reference of what key values corespond to what screen/container view sizes? Is there a written referece for those keys? I can't find anything on beta reference library, nor on the net.

Additionally, when I force different value using

, into UILabel's text for example, UIKit still prefers automatically selected key value. Is this a bug or intended behavior?



Bumping this in hope someone from Apple UIKit teams will see this. 🙂

I can't answer the

question but I found the answer to "magic" numeric key values in WWDC15 session 227. It is the "M" width of the device; the number of uppercase Ms that will fit on a single line on the screen.