Trying to load a cr2 file

Hi. As far as I can tell according to the docs all I need to do to load a cr2 is what it takes to load a jpg. I don't get any results though trying to load a cr2 file. In fact, all I get is blank screen. Help?


The only answer here is : you must have a problem in your code !

But you don't show any code !

test.image = NSImage(named: "test.CR2")

Is extension CR2 or cr2 ?

iOS is case sensitive.

.CR2 is not the same as .cr2, .Cr2, .cR2, etc.

Be sure to match the file name case with the image name used in your code. Might want to get into the habit of only/always using lower case, as an example, just to avoid such issues in the future. Whichever scheme you adopt, be consistent.

It's OK to ask for help, the forum is here for that.

But it's also correct to report at the end if the problem is solved.

Thanks to do it for all your posts.