Sticker Icons Source vs App Icons Source

I have added a Messages Extension to my iOS project. When I try to add the Extension App icons, they are labeled as Sticker App Icons. I noticed in the Extension Target/App Icons there is only a location specifier for Sticker Icons Source - not App Icons Source.

I wouldn't be too bothered. Except that when I try to validate, it cannot find my Messages app icons.

Here is 1 of the 12 errors:

iTunes Store operation failed.

Missing App Icon. The bundle doesn’t contain an iMessage app icon. iMessage app icons must be 120x90 pixels in .png format.

I have icons for each required size. I have double, triple checked that they are the correct size.

I feel like the fact that Xcode is specifying Sticker Icons Source and not App Icons Source is related to the problem.

Can someone help me figure out how to get this extension properly configured. Do I need to change or add something to the extension plist?

This is not a stickers extension.



Might want to move/copy this to theiMessage Apps and Stickers forum, thanks and good luck.

Also, be sure to scan the MTL links, below.