How To Restrict App Download to ARKit Compatible Devices

We are developing some ARKit games that will not function correctly unless the iPhone/iPad is compatible with ARKit. Is there a way to restrict the App Store to only allow download by compatible devices?

Is it enough to just make the the deployment target iOS 11.0 and linked ARKit.framework 'required' rather than optional?


You should add the 'arkit' key to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in your Info.plist.

Awesome! Thanks!

It seems there is a bug on the appstore because of this. Getting 'This app requires specific features no available on this device.'

Please, check out this:

Has this bug been fixed? I took that 'arkit' key out of my app because it was telling everyone that it wouldn't run on their phones.

I think that message was fixed the same day.

My app has shown that message until yesterday, when I removed that 'arkit' key and got my update approved.

I am trying to restrict iphone 7 and iphone 6s as they do not support face tracking.
HOw do I do that,