Merchant ID max number

Hello there,

Is there any limit with the number of merchant ID you can create from one Apple Developer Account?

Thank you very much in advance.


I'm not aware if a limit - how many do you intend to use?

Hi Yohang
Did you figure out if there is a limit?

Hi, anyone has been able to get an idea on this limit . I am getting this error now . It says"Unable to add Merchant ID because Merchant ID limit 100 has been exceeded" I am using an enterprise apple account.

Want to know if this an app store bug or we need to pay more or that is a limitation.

Any inputs would be highly appreciated

The Apple Developer website allows you to manage up to 100 Merchant IDs. If you need to add more than 100 Merchant IDs, you must add them via the Apple Pay Web Merchant Registration API.

I wrote a more detailed response to this same question here:
