Scale ARKit camera in Unity3d

I'm using ARKit to make a small demo, I want to let the scene objs looks smaller, I don't want to scale scene objs.

So I scale camera in Unity3d to make objects looks smaller, I tried to change camera obj's scale property, but it don't work.

I also try to modify camera.worldToCameraMatrix

void Update () {

if (m_camera != null)
Matrix4x4 matrix = m_session.GetCameraPose();
m_camera.transform.localPosition = UnityARMatrixOps.GetPosition(matrix);
m_camera.transform.localRotation = UnityARMatrixOps.GetRotation (matrix);
Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(10f, 10f, -10f));
m_camera.worldToCameraMatrix = m * m_camera.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

m_camera.projectionMatrix = m_session.GetCameraProjection ();

but it still not work. please give me some ideas about how to make scene objs looks smaller, but don't scale the scene objs. thanks a lot !


I am also trying to do this - did you find any answer?

Thanks very much!