Xcode 9 beta 5 (9M202q) - 'AVFoundation/AVRouteDetector.h' file not found

Hello ! I just downloaded the latest Xcode 9 beta but now I can't compile my app that import AVFoundation. I got this error :

/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.13.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/Headers/AVFoundation.h:88:9: 'AVFoundation/AVRouteDetector.h' file not foundAVRouteDetector

AVRouteDetector is a new API introduced in iOS 11 and macOS 10.13 according to this page :


But I don't know if it's new from this DP5 of macOS or not. I guess that's the issue.

Is there a temporaty solution that could ignore this class?


Accepted Reply

According to the beta 5 release notes:

"Building macOS apps with the AVFoundation framework is not supported with Xcode 9 beta 5."


According to the beta 5 release notes:

"Building macOS apps with the AVFoundation framework is not supported with Xcode 9 beta 5."

Oh Shoot. I read the release note too fast I guess ;D

is this just a bug in beta 5 or is the support of AVFoundation for macOS apps official disabled?

That's only a bug. AVFoundation is an essential piece of macOS 🙂

I wish they would sort this out... My app is completely dependent on AVFoundation (it's a music app!), so I'm stuck on beta 4, which has a bizarre hanging bug when typing documentation. Come on Apple, let's see a beta 6 drop soon, please! ;-)

V Dumb. "We couldn't get AVFoundation to work on macOS in Xcode beta 5 in time so we released it without allowing linking to it, sorry!"