Models without labels?

I've trained an autoencoder in keras/tensorflow, to function basically as a smart error-correction function. It seems promising, but although I can successfully convert the model using coremltools, I cannot import it... When I drop it in my Xcode project it complains that "Classifier models must provide class labels." Well, it's not a classifier model, so what can I do? Should I provide bogus labels, or is there an argument that allows coreml to ignore/forgo labels?

Accepted Reply

In your conversion script, did you specify the class_labels or predicted_feature_name? If so, remove those. Instead, specify output_names='layername' where layername is the name of your model's output layer.


In your conversion script, did you specify the class_labels or predicted_feature_name? If so, remove those. Instead, specify output_names='layername' where layername is the name of your model's output layer.

Tried and succeeded! Thanks!