Change username

Hello Apple Developer Forums admins,

I would like to change my username of Apple Developer Forums.

Because this is a company account but I input my personal name by mistake.

Please help and thanks!

P.S. I have posted to Apple Support Communities for help, but there may be a wrong place to ask because they totally misunderstood my request during emails back and forth.

You'll need to contact Apple Developer Account Support

Just in case you didn't know, even though the forums display your real name to you whenever you post, the rest of the world sees your nickname "denkeni".

It's a little unsettling (and honestly, a terrible design), but the forum software decides what to show based on the user which is logged in, so you will see a lot of personal information (like your real name and email address) that isn't actually being shared with other users.

If you click on where it says "Welcome __[your name]__" near the top of the page, one of the links is Edit Profile, and it has a privacy tab which shows who can see each particular detail about your account.

Thanks for your information.

But they replied with the same statement "once your account is created, you will not be able to change your username" that appeared when creating username, and sugguest registering a new Apple ID for developer. Not helpful.

So now Apple Support Communities has staff helping these kind of things, Apple ID email/name/nickname can be easily changed through account management page, but the new Apple DEVELOPER Forums does nothing about this technical restriction?


Thanks for the information. The inconsistency problem is this account and real name belongs to my company, but the nickname showing to the world is my personal one.

And I totally agree it's a terrible and confusing design, which should be fixed as soon as possible.


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Change username