How do i register a new Apple Pay merchant ID?

The guide here

says :

To register a Merchant ID

In Member Center, select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

I just creaed a new account on, but my account doesn't show any Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles item in the left menu; this is what i see

How do i enable these options my account ?

Thanks 4 ur help



Have you received any answer on your question above regarding Merchant ID registration ?

Indeed, I am facing the same issue and cannot go ahead on the IDregistration process as I cannot see the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles option...

Thank you for your help


Apple has two programs Developer and Enterprise Program.

Enterprise program won't allow you to set up Merchant IDs as the app will never go to app store release, you can release only through MDM.

Program and roles:

Merchant ID setup should be done by your client, whoever planning to process apple pay. Same will be integrated within the mobile app code.


Configuring the environment:

Where (specifically) can I obtain the Merchant ID for Apple Tap to Pay if I use Shopify?