XCode Simulator showing only partial view

Hi all,

I am new to this so please forgive a newbie for asking a question the answer to which might be obvious.

I am trying to follow the Stanford iOS development course on Itunes U... and am doing the first lecture in which the instructor is creating a calculator.

The problem is, when I do the UI design in the storyboard and then compile/build the code, I get a totally different UI in the simulator. The UI in the simulator only shows the last button that I draw and does not show the layout as it is in the storyboard. It just shows one button! and that button is the last one I draw in the story board. See the image here for example . (Note you have to reconstruct the link) ibo dot co slash geisFQ

Here the 0 button was the last I drew in the storyboard. If I now remove that button and rebuild, the simulator only displays the 3 button in the same exact position as the 0 is in this screenshot... because 3 was the button I drew before 0!

Any help/pointers is much appreciated


May be the buttons are offscreen ? Did you set constraints ? Which ?

Otherwise, you should try to add constraints :

Editor -> Resolve autolayout -> add missing constraints (all views)

Did not understand how to reconstruct the link ; is it ibo.co / geisFQ ???


Thanks for the tip. It partially fixed the problem in that it now shows the layout albeit skewed.

As to reconstructing the link, yet although you have to removce spaces

Thanks again

I removed the space of course (it is just to avoid the delay in posting) ; but even so, it goes nowhere.

What do you mean by skewed ? Can you show ?


Sorry didn't notice your response till now. If you build the url put the www at the beginning, remove the spaces etc. the link should show you the screenshot.

Using your suggestion, the layout is a little bit better but it is not as it apppears in the storyboard. I can take a screenshot but am not sure how to display/attach it here on the forums and if I post an external url, the post has to go to moderators for approval... It is catch 22 😟

You can post immediately ; just edit the url as h ttps/

Tried the url: h ttp://www.ibo.co/geisFQ

I do not see any problem there.