VoiceOver - where is it on the simulator?

I'm trying to learn about VoiceOver, and have run into my first obstacle -- I can't find it on the simulator😟. Using Xcode 9 beta 4and simulating an iOS 11 device, under Accessibility I see Accessibility Inspector, Speech, Larger Text, Bold Text, Button Shapes, Increase Contrast, Reduce Motion, On/off Labels, Subtitles & Captioning, Keyboard, Shake to Undo.

What happened to VoiceOver? Is it not supported on the simulator? The Accessibliity Inspector looks like it lets me see the label (but neither the hint nor the identifier that I defined on storyboard are showing up). I am confused ...

Accepted Reply

From the docs:

Debug Accessibility in iOS Simulator with the Accessibility Inspector

The Accessibility Inspector displays accessibility information about each accessible element in an app. You can use the Accessibility Inspector to simulate VoiceOver interaction with the accessible elements in your app to examine the information they provide.

Note: The Accessibility Inspector is helpful for testing the accessibility of your app during development, but it is no substitute for testing your app with VoiceOver on a physical device. For one thing, the Accessibility Inspector does not speak accessibility information, so you can’t hear how your element descriptions will sound. Even though the Accessibility Inspector is ideal for quickly verifying that elements supply appropriate accessibility information, you should test your app on a device, with VoiceOver turned on, to make sure that it behaves as users expect. See Test Accessibility on Your Device with VoiceOver for some tips on how to do this.


From the docs:

Debug Accessibility in iOS Simulator with the Accessibility Inspector

The Accessibility Inspector displays accessibility information about each accessible element in an app. You can use the Accessibility Inspector to simulate VoiceOver interaction with the accessible elements in your app to examine the information they provide.

Note: The Accessibility Inspector is helpful for testing the accessibility of your app during development, but it is no substitute for testing your app with VoiceOver on a physical device. For one thing, the Accessibility Inspector does not speak accessibility information, so you can’t hear how your element descriptions will sound. Even though the Accessibility Inspector is ideal for quickly verifying that elements supply appropriate accessibility information, you should test your app on a device, with VoiceOver turned on, to make sure that it behaves as users expect. See Test Accessibility on Your Device with VoiceOver for some tips on how to do this.