Localisation support-Empty Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings after importing .xliff

Dear all,

I am following the article https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/LocalizingYourApp/LocalizingYourApp.html

in order to provide multilanguage support to my iOS application.

I successfully exported the .xliff files (el.xlff, it.xliff, es.xliff). Then I would like to import these translated file to my iOS project.

After I imported the translated files (el.xlff, it.xliff, es.xliff) I saw that the Localizable.strings, the InfoPlist.stings and Main.strings are all empty.

I thought it was possible to make the whole process automatically and not hard-coded; to export xliff file, transalte these and finally import these so any of the xx.lproj folder will created automatically will contain the translated Localizable.strings, the InfoPlist.stings and Main.strings.

Is it feasible or not?



Accepted Reply

Overall my experience is that yes this workflow sort of works - that being said I have certainly run into various oddities. One is that if you have existing .lproj folder inside for instance a Resources folder the import will generate new .lproj folders inside the project root folder. So if the files that you describe as being empty were already there before you made the import it's worth looking around to see if the result of the import may be located elsewhere. Also it might be worth trying to import using the command line (xcodebuild) instead as perhaps it will log some diagnostics.


Overall my experience is that yes this workflow sort of works - that being said I have certainly run into various oddities. One is that if you have existing .lproj folder inside for instance a Resources folder the import will generate new .lproj folders inside the project root folder. So if the files that you describe as being empty were already there before you made the import it's worth looking around to see if the result of the import may be located elsewhere. Also it might be worth trying to import using the command line (xcodebuild) instead as perhaps it will log some diagnostics.