BB-8 Playground connectivity problem

I am unable to properly connect my BB-8.

The Sphero connects perflectly to the Sphero Template, but fails to connect to the Sphero Arcade.

Tapping the "Connect Robot" button, only shows "Searching for Robots", and does not do anything else.

No other issues with connecting BB-8 through the Sphero app, or bluetooth issues as far as I can tell.

Thanks all!


Are there any suggestions on what to try? I have found similar questions in the past but no answers to any.

The supporting/auxiliary code looks similar, but I can't tell if there is a bug on arcade that doesn't exist on template. My guess is there might be, but not sure if there is a way to edit the auxiliary files, or if there is a way to output console code from that either.

Any help, or just somewhere to start from, would be greatly appreciated.