Metal2 get GPU hardware info


I am wondering how to get info about the underlying GPU architecture with the Metal2 API. I haven't found obvious information about it in Metal documents.

I have seen 2 properties which could be related to this:

MTLComputePipelineState.threadExecutionWidth - Does it mean that how many threads can be scheduled at the same time on 1 execution unit of the GPU?

MTLComputePipelineState.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup - Does it mean that how many threads can be handled by 1 GPU execution unit?

Does the threadgroup word corresponds to a GPU execution unit?

How is it possible to query the available GPU execution units? (The number of thread groups which can run at the same time?)


I don't have much time right now, so please take a look at my answer in this thread here

Hope that helps a bit


Nice writing.

Do you also know the Metal API call to get the number of available GPU execution units?

I am not sure that modern GPU's execution unit is only capable for Single Program Multiple Data execution.

In chapter 5.3.1 it says, that each thread can execute completely different compute kernel. This should give a lot more possibility than the SPMD model.

I thought I do - but alas it was false memory from OpenCL programming days. It looks like there is no way to do it directly. What _could_ be done, I guess is to manually fill in this information in program as a constant for iOS devices (there are not that many A* Apple chips supporting metal), and on macOS you could use OpenCL to query number of GPU execution units and then match this to Metal device names (and/or "low power" flags). I know, not a very helpful answer.


I think it is a good workaround to ask this info from OpenCL. (I didn't try it yet.)