Best method for iOS swift notifications when using MySQL on the backend

I'm currently in the process of developing an iOS app and I'm at the point now where I need to start thinking about sending push notifications to users when something happens such as another user commenting on their post. I'm using PHP and MySQL on the backend. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for completing this process. I've seen people talk about cloudkit or parse but would it be possible to use these even though my database is in MySQL?


Forget about Parse since they have shutdown their service a few months ago.

Cloudkit is kind of a database in the cloud and you get all the magic of push notification for free without dealing with a lot of the underlying part but it may not necessary fit your need.

An alternative for doing push notification which should work fine with your development env is

I have used them in a couple apps, and they have a lot of great stuff and make the integration for push quite easy.

Did you ever find a solution for your app? I have the same technology stack and problem.

I have the same technology stack, did you find a solution?