Lot of errors after follow Youtube videos

I want to make a Firebase app. I follow a video. But I got lots of errors. For example, I got ''variable used within its own initial value' in this code

uploadTask.observeStatus(.Progress){ (snapshot) in

And ' 'overide' can only specified on class members' in

    override func viewDidLoad() {

and more errors that did not happen in the Youtube video but in my app. Please help.


You should show more code. It's difficult to guess without more.


For ''variable used within its own initial value' in this code"

Is uploadTask.observeStatus() {} called within an init ? Then you may be using a var that is not defined yet.

For 'overide' can only specified on class members'

Where is the override declared ?

You may have an extra or missing open curly bracket { or closing }, which causes override func viewDidLoad() to be outside of the class definition.

A missing or extra { that is not balanced by a } can be the cause of many other errors.

You helped me in the 'override' problem. Another one is fixed by myself. Thanks. Other issues are:

Use of unresolved identifier 'FIRStorage'

  let uploadTask = FIRStorage.storage().reference().child(filename).putFile(url, metadata:nil, completion: {(metadata, error) in

I imported the the FirebaseAuth, Firebase, FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage. Please help. Thanks

Doc h ttps://firebase.google.com/docs/storage/ios/create-reference mentions

Storage.storage() and not FIRStorage.storage()

Check if this has changed in the latest version.