All Data can't read after unlock FileVault2

Once I've use diskutil apfs decryptVolume to decrypt volume, but after I enter this command, quickly it crashed my macOS 10.13, then I can't boot my mac and also can't read any files anymore, after I boot into Recovery Mode to unlock the volume with my passphrase, all the encrypted files on the volume can be list and not modified, but they can't decrypt by FileVault2 and let me read raw encrypted data, and I use diskutil to check crypto users, that said I'm in decrypting action but paused state of my volume?

Is there have some way to have to continue decrypting in Recovery Mode? In previous coreStorage can be done this things by manual activating corestoraged in terminal to continue encrypting/decrypting, but in this APFS does have any way to migration successful or revert the state?

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs listCryptoUsers /dev/disk2s1
Cryptographic users (4 found)
+-- EBC6C064-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
|  Type: Personal Recovery
+-- EC1C2AD9-B618-4ED6-BD8D-50F361C27507
|  Type: iCloud
+-- 64C0C6EB-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
|  Type: iCloud Recovery
+-- EFBB60F6-DD62-4520-9CBB-D82A9BEE35B9
|  Type: Local Open Directory
Background decryption migration (data on disk becoming plaintext) in progress
Migration type 3 (decrypting); state 1 (paused); pause state 0 (unknown)
Migration progress 0.0%
Migration time remaining 60.0 seconds


After install another macOS 10.13 into another disk, and mount original volume, it starts decrypting, but all data can't read either, waiting for it completed

$ diskutil apfs listCryptoUsers /dev/disk1s1
Cryptographic users (4 found)
+-- EBC6C064-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
|  Type: Personal Recovery
+-- EC1C2AD9-B618-4ED6-BD8D-50F361C27507
|  Type: iCloud
+-- 64C0C6EB-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
|  Type: iCloud Recovery
+-- EFBB60F6-DD62-4520-9CBB-D82A9BEE35B9
|  Type: Local Open Directory
Background decryption migration (data on disk becoming plaintext) in progress
Migration type 3 (decrypting); state 2 (in progress); pause state 0 (unknown)
Migration progress 0.0%
Migration time remaining 60.0 seconds