App ID is not available

I'm trying to create an appID and I get the error

There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit.

An App ID with Identifier '***.***.***' is not available. Please enter a different string.

I know this appID is not in use by anyone else (it's too unique). I DID create the XCode project with that bundle identifier BEFORE requesting an appID. Did that somehow reserve it? When I go to create my app in iTunes Connect the app id is not present.

I really need to stick with the app id since some third party libraries I use have already been registered with it.




Sorry if I missed it - can you see that app id in the Member Center/Certificates, IDs and Profiles?

If you created your project before with Xcode I think what happens is that recent versions of Xcode automatically create the AppId for you.

I was stuck with the same problem, then I realized:

* the AppId I was trying to create appeared in appstoreconnect when creating a new app and selecting the bundle ID. It was named "XC com domain appname - com.domain.appname";

* when I went to Identifiers in my account in I couldn't see it, but that's just because I didn't realize I could scroll down... The scroll bar is hidden by default in Safari and there's no hint there that there are more entries... Because all the ones created by Xcode start with XC, they appear at the bottom... 😐

I hope this helps