Files app and videos


I am a noob at this, so please bear with me.I hope this is enough info for a report.

I wanted to test the Files app on my 9.7 iPad pro. The easiest way was to place a Doc, pic, and h265 video in my icloud folder.

Docs lanch with full formatting.

Pictures launch and look great , and don't make you open the Phtos app. (Thank goodness).

H265 videos download. match file size, launch, with a media player overview, but there is no video or audio.

H264 viedos, download, match file size. launch with a media pplayer overview. but only display key frames,(no audio) and only if you manually scroll it.

I do understand this is a preview, it runs freat on my pad.

I hope somone finds this information useful,

Thank you

PS I am open to suggestions, I just dont want to have to fire up iTunes every time I need to get just one file.