App got rejected for "using non apple in-app-purchase"

Recently, most of my apps got rejected for "using non apple in-app-purchase" reason.

But none of my apps contains such behavior. I tried appeal to the app review team but they won't tell me any detail, just keep saying that I used some non-apple iap.

My app is packaged using Adobe AIR SDK version 23, and used Google Admob ANE (I even tried not using admob, just packaged with AIR, didn't work), none of them contains any iap related action.

How should I do to resolve this?


Hi Bepublic, Have they given you the option to schedule a call? Usually the reviewer on the call will be able to verify your claims. I've had a similar situation where the initial reviewer claimed my app was using a third party login inappropriately, when I was using nothing other than CloudKit. The phone call resolved it, as I walked the second reviewer through the app and showed there is no such third party login.

Any solution in your case?

Here are more users which has the same problem