Can some one explain below mentioned Apple's terms for the use of Apple Maps Service 2017 Attachment 6 (to the Agreement) Additional Terms for the use of the Apple Maps Service

Attachment 6

(to the Agreement)

Additional Terms for the use of the Apple Maps Service

2.2 You will not use the Apple Maps Service in any manner that enables or permits bulk downloads or feeds of the Map Data, or any portion thereof, or that in any way attempts to extract, scrape or reutilize any portions of the Map Data. For example, neither You nor Your Application may use or make available the Map Data, or any portion thereof, as part of any secondary or derived database.

2.3 Except to the extent expressly permitted herein, You agree not to copy, modify, translate, create a derivative work of, publish or publicly display the Map Data in any way. Further, You may not use or compare the data provided by the Apple Maps Service for the purpose of improving or creating another mapping service. You agree not to create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service through use of or access to the Apple Maps Service.

2.4 Your Application may display the Map Data only as permitted herein, and when displaying it on a map, You agree that it will be displayed only on an Apple map provided through the Apple Maps Service;

2.5 Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the MapKit Documentation, Map Data may not be cached, pre-fetched, or stored by You or Your Application, other than on a temporary and limited basis solely to improve the performance of the Apple Maps Service with Your Application.

I need to know whether Map data mentioned in terms refers to Latitude/Longitude that i get from CLGeocoder or map tiles/routing directions that i get from mapkit itself. In my app, i am simply saving Latitude.Longitude values in app DB temporarily for few weeks(3) and then remove it. Should i be worried ?


In my opinion this refers to tiles and route directions. It would not make sense to refer to locations because these are only longitude+latitude coordinates. But, again, it is only my opinion and I would hear Apple on the statement. I am concerned with how fast and reliable Maps servers are because I am developing apps to be used in research and education (under- and graduate levels); example of this is a routing app with constraints with hundreds of nodes so if the app has to reload and ask Maps servers each time we start it then it is going to be cumbersome, that is why a Core Data database is part of the app.

Apparently that section is legalese should anyone try to slurp, appropriate, rebrand, re-sell, claim as own, make part of a commercial product and/or steal Apple's(?) maps for their own use outside an app, the store or the entire iOS platform/ecosystem.

As long as your use is your app according to public APIs, I don't see the worry.

But thanks for asking 😉 - bad actors wouldn't bother.