Watchkit app update not being launched

Hi, I have an iOS/Watchkit app. They worked fine. But now there is an issue that the app is not launched after an upgrade installation. A spinner keeps running on a launch screen with repeated errors as below. This only occurs in case of upgrade installation. It is ok if I delete the existing app first and then newly install an update.

CLTM[20] <Error>: CLTM: _subscription 0x0, _subscribedChannels 0x0

CLTM[20] <Error>: CLTM: _subscription 0x0, _subscribedChannels 0x0

companionappd[162] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: <SPApplicationManager.m __56-[SPApplicationManager beginUsingPlugin:withCompletion:]_block_invoke266:409> * * * After 10.0 secs, beginUsing: hasn't called us back for plugin with beginUsingInstanceUUID <__NSConcreteUUID 0x13ce93a90> C2CD1BF8-F58D-47CA-BC12-8BE3E9FA53EE

companionappd[162] <Notice>: (Warn ) WatchKit: <SPApplicationManager.m __83-[SPApplicationManager getOrBeginActivePlugInForApplication:setupBlock:completion:]_block_invoke_2321:496> Unable to start plugin com.myapp.watchkitextension 0x13ce84870 with identifier com.myapp.watchkitapp (Error Code=17 "PKPlugin beginUsing: never called back" UserInfo=0x13ce92800 {NSLocalizedDescription=PKPlugin beginUsing: never called back})

companionappd[162] <Notice>: (Error) WatchKit: <SPCompanionAppServer.m __51-[SPCompanionAppServer sendToRemoteInterface:call:]_block_invoke519:914> activePlugInForIdentifier: returned nil for application com.myapp.watchkitapp

I would very much appreciate if anyone would suggest a possible cause or a way to fix it. I have looked for any discussions about similar cases in the forums and other communities but found no clues so far.


XCode 6.2

iPhoneapp: Objective-C

Watchkit app: Swift

Provisioning: Enterprise (In-House) and Distribution

Device, OS:

iPhone 6plus iOS8.3, WatchOS 1.0.1


I am seeing this same exact issue and it is driving me crazy. Have you found a fix for this issue?

I sometimes see this when upgrading to a newest build from HockeyApp and restarting both the phone and the watch is the only way I can fix it.

No, I have not found a fix yet. I just found restarting the phone could launch the watch app, but it is not a fundamental solution. I have no idea what causes this issue.

Yes, I also found restarting the phone could fix this after my previous post.Restarting the watch is not necessary for my case. Restarding is better than deleting the existing app because saved data will be kept. But it does not work on iOS8.2, and sometimes not work on iOS8.3 and 8.4. I would like to know what causes this issue.

I am seeing this on one of my apps too. Did you find a cause and solution for this issue ?

I see this error when debugging on watch during the update and launch: Configuration error: No Info.plist for extension!(1):...

And the Info.plist file is found magically once the phone is rebooted.

Update: This happens on a 5c paired with Watch for my app. The same Watch paired with a 6+ does not exhibit this problem.

Screen of Xcode 6.4 showing the error: " Configuration error: No Info.plist file for extension!..." when debugging on a 5C and a paired Apple Watch.