How to hide new in-app-purchases from old version of an app?


I have an existing app on the App Store. The app has one in-app-purchase. It works well.

So, now I want to add more in-app-purchases to this app. But I want these new in-app-purchases to only show in

the coming version of this app. In the current version of the app, I simply iterate over the apps in-app-purchases, showing

everything there is. But, if the user would buy one of the new in-app-purchases he/she would not be able to use it in that version.

There's nothing implemented to make it work.

How would I go about solving this problem?

/best regards, Håkan from Sweden

Accepted Reply

>I simply iterate over the apps in-app-purchases, showing

everything there is.

If from this you mean that in productsResponse:didReceiveResponse you collect the response.products and offer them all to the user then you have a small problem. You could title the IAPs "Only for version 2.3 and later". You could ignore this problem and if a user purchased the IAP and it didn't work that user would ultimately realize they need to update the app and restore the IAP.


>I simply iterate over the apps in-app-purchases, showing

everything there is.

If from this you mean that in productsResponse:didReceiveResponse you collect the response.products and offer them all to the user then you have a small problem. You could title the IAPs "Only for version 2.3 and later". You could ignore this problem and if a user purchased the IAP and it didn't work that user would ultimately realize they need to update the app and restore the IAP.

Its not perfect, but I think I will go with your suggestion to name the in-app-purchase 'only for version x.x'. Thanx.😉