localization of user permissions?


i'm wanting to know details of how ios 10.3.X localization work with request of user permissions.

since apple only requires a string in the plist to describe why the request is wanted, ie, microphone to record voice

does apple automatically display title and buttons on permissions pop-up in native language of device?

"Dieser App moechte Ihren Mikorphon bearbeiten?" sort of thing???

what steps have to be taken to localize the plist strings?


Are you asking about standard OS UI/dialog, or your own UI?

what steps have to be taken to localize the plist strings?

You do this via the standard

mechanism. See the Localizing Property List Values section of the Information Property List Key Reference.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

I have several files like english.strings german.strings, french strings, etc